See Insanity Cause...?

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Every incident in the story is pure fiction and all the characters are all made up!!! See Insanity Cause...?

This is a story I've been written on since the 15th February 2000 and I'm still not done yet. I'm dreaming of becoming a writter someday and this is my first story I've written and I hope it becomes a success.

Written by Kristina Qvist
with some help of near friends.

To each chapter, I have chosen a special song, which, I think, fits to the chapter.

See Insanity Cause...
Started: 15th February 2000.
Ended: 15th May 2003.
Last updated: 22nd May 2003.

CAST: alphabetic:
Abdul Hugh Jones.
Abe Jackson.
Andrew Wright.
Ben Stephen Moore.
Christian Hunter.
Corey Christopher.
Courtney Jared.
Dominic Davey White.
Eric Jack Taylor.
Jacqueline Johnson.
James Ryan Tyler.
Jeff Warner.
Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson.
Kimberly Jason.
Michael Thompson.
Oliver Matthew Lee.
Patricia White.
Paul Austin.
Richard Jeffrey Wayne.
Sarah Amy Stone.
Scott Jonathan Gray.
Sean Madden.
Shannon Gray.
Sheryl Norton.
Stacey Gray.
Tiffany Johns.

Chapter #1: The Arrest.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Michael Thompson)

It was a normal Monday at noon. The sky was blue and not a single cloud was on the sky, and the birds were all singing so beautifully.
Nearly an hour ago the four friends arrived at work and they were ready to work. They were in the offices and they were talking. Everything was just as it used to be. Scott was very quiet. It was mostly Sean and Jesse who was talking. Gossip. That was what they talked about. It seemed to be ages ago since they had seen each other, even thought only two days had passed by since they last saw each other.
As Sean and Jesse was arguing about something completely corny then their conversation was interrupted as a lot of cops arrived, in the office, and arrested Scott!
Sean, Michael and Jesse didn't know why, so they followed them all to the police station to know what was going on.

((sic) - Slipknot)

Chapter #2: The Rapist.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Sean Madden, Michael Thompson)

The cops said to all of them - including Scott - that Scott had raped a 14-year-old girl! "Did You?" Jesse asked very surprised, "No! That's a lie!" Scott said quite upset, but the cops had evidence for it.
Sean asked to see the evidences and the cops came with them - pictures! Scott saw the pictures. He was very shocked and said: "What, the fuck, is this? Where do you got these pictures from?" "We had 'em in a letter from a guy" one of the cops said very convincing. "Who?" Scott asked curious. "We don't know. It was an anonymous person," the same cop said. Michael then said: "Such pictures could be made by a person, who are very good to use a computer, who maybe just wants to hurt Scott. And the pictures are quite blurry! It is possible they could be manipulated". The cop answered embarrassed: "They could be", but that wasn't enough to get him off the hook. But later one of the cops found out that Scott had an alibi that said he had been another place at the time of the crime. Then Scott was released.

(Between Angels And Insects - Papa Roach)

Chapter #3: One Disaster Seldom Comes Alone!
(Andrew Wright, Michael Thompson, Sean Madden, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Scott Jonathan Gray, Paul Austin)

Andrew came into the office to talk to Michael, Sean and Jesse about Scott. "Scott... those things you have done last week is too disgusting - and Sean, Michael, Jesse. I can't understand you believe him. He's a liar. You're all standing beside a rapist!" Andrew said. But Scott was just laughing. Then Andrew said: "Just laugh Scott. It's my pictures - I took them!" Then Scott changed the look on his face. "And do you want to know something? I got it all on this tape!" Andrew said and took a tape up from his pocket. Scott couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Everything is on this tape!" Andrew said. Then Scott started to yell at Andrew, and he tried to hit him, but Michael, Sean and Jesse held him back. Scott went crazy, and then he turned around and walked out of the office. "Andrew, listen up you sadistic freak, you blame Scott for something he hasn't done!" Sean said. "Don't you understand it? I got it all on this tape! You can have it, if you want it?" Andrew said. Sean looked at Michael and Jesse, then he looked at Andrew and said: "Okay... I want you to give me the damn tape!" Then Andrew gave Sean the tape. Sean looked at the tape there was standing "Scott - crime" on it. Then Sean took the tape and smashed it down on the floor. Then Sean looked at Andrew and laughed: "If it was evidence, then there isn't evidence anymore!" Then Sean, Michael and Jesse ran after Andrew, but at the same time, Paul came running towards them. Paul trapped them inside the office and beat up Sean and Jesse.
Andrew broke off a leg from a chair, and laid it on the table and punched Michael in the head, and then Andrew took the wooden leg and knocked it, so hard he could, up in Michael's nuts! Michael fell to the ground. Then Andrew kicked and punched him at the groin area. Michael nearly passed out due to the pain. Scott came running in so fast as he could, Paul tried to catch Scott, but he couldn't. Then Paul and Andrew left the office. Scott sat beside Michael, and tried to help him, but Michael just pushed him away and said: "Don't touch me!" Sean and Jesse woke up, and came over to Scott, who was trying to calm down Michael, and asked: "What happened?". "He got hit in his nuts" Scott said. "Oh, my God!" Jesse said. Suddenly Sean said: "Oh, shit, man... he's bleeding!" "Where?" Jesse asked. "Where, the fuck, do you think...!" Sean yelled. "Sorry!" Jesse said. "Jerk!" Sean yelled. "Will you please stop arguing?" Scott asked. "Shut up, Scott!" Sean yelled. Then Jesse said: "Calm down, Sean". "Shut up, Jesse!" Sean yelled. "Don't say shut up to me!" Jesse said. Meanwhile Scott tried to get Michael on his feet. "Shut, the fuck, up!" Scott yelled as loud as he could. "We need to get Michael to a hospital!" Scott said. At the same time Andrew came running in with a crowbar, and knocked out Scott. Then he ran as fast as he could to get back before Sean and Jesse could reach to catch him.

(The Fight Song - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #4: The Assault At The Hospital!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Michael Thompson, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Andrew Wright)

Scott was unconscious. Sean had an injured knee and Michael had some problems some more private parts. A nurse helped Michael, she told what was wrong and that he was going to be okay. But Michael wasn't agreeing with that 'cause he still had a very awful pain. But it was worst with Scott! He was unconscious and he had a very bad head concussion. "But he would maybe be okay" the nurse said. "Can I see him?" Michael asked. "Yes, of course" the nurse said. "The doctors finished the surgery on him for three hours ago" the nurse said. "Do you need some help?" the nurse asked. "No, thanks I can still walk by myself," Michael said. Now Michael was standing together with Sean and Jesse and they was looking at Scott. Finally Scott woke up, and Jesse told him what had happened. But at the same time Andrew came with the crowbar. He knocked Jesse in the back and Sean on the knee. And walked towards Scott. Scott tried to escape from Andrew, but he was too weak and dizzy due to the morphine. And then suddenly Michael attacked Andrew, but Andrew knocked the crowbar up in Michael's nuts. Michael fell to his knees, moaning. No one could stop Andrew; he came near Scott, closer, closer, closer and closer! "Andrew... don't do something you'll regret later! Oh, fuck, man, don't do this!" Scott was pleading for his life! He took Scott by the throat, and punched him in the head. Scott fell moaning to the ground with his hands around his head. Scott was bleeding from his forehead. Andrew took a cable from the floor and put it three times around Scott's throat, and started to strangle him. Scott slowly fell to his knees, he couldn't breathe. He had flashbacks running through his mind, but he was too confused to see what the images was supposed to look as before they disappeared... then he closed his eyes and fell to the ground. He was lying on the ground, quiet, like he was dead. Andrew removed the cable and walked out of the hospital, like he was never really there!

(Coma White - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #5: A Fake Truth?
(Sean Madden, Andrew Wright, Michael Thompson, Scott Jonathan Gray)

Sean came into Andrew's office and told him he needed to talk with him. Sean asked: "Andrew... do you know how bad it is with Michael and Scott, after you assaulted them?" and Andrew said: "Not as bad as I hoped it would be!". "Michael is lucky he is not sterile! And Scott is laying at the hospital, maybe dying!". Sean said. And then Andrew said: "Scott deserved it, after what he has done!" "You don't have any evidence," said Sean. Then Andrew said: "Don't you think I've got copies of that tape? And actually there is a little part of that tape I wanna show you right now!" And then he turned on the TV and the tape was on the silver screen. "Oh my God, turn that shit off! I don't want to look at that crap, it's bullshit!" Sean said, and then Sean walked back to his own office!

(Last Waltz - The Rasmus)

Chapter #6: Unconscious.
(Sean Madden, Michael Thompson, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Scott Jonathan Gray)

Sean, Michael and Jesse were on the hospital. They were all really worried about Scott's condition. They looked at Scott. He was still unconscious. The doctor said that his condition was critical, and that he could maybe die. Michael was feeling very bad. After all, Scott was his best friend. He was frightened. He didn't want to lose his best friend. He had so many good memories with him and Scott. Michael really didn't wanna leave the hospital, because he wanted to be there when Scott regained consciousness. "Can't we sleep here?" Michael asked. Sean was also terribly worried and he didn't want to leave either, so he made up his mind and decided to stay for the night. "Okay, let's sleep here!" he answered. Jesse agreed to stay too, even thought he was tired and wanted to home.

(Gone With The Sin - HIM / HER)

Chapter #7: Recovering.
(Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Sean Madden, Michael Thompson, Scott Jonathan Gray)

Jesse woke up. He was very tired, because he wasn't able to sleep. He hated being on a hospital. He didn't like the thought of all the sick people around him. He felt uncomfortable because he was the only one who was awake so he woke up Sean and Michael. Michael was anxious to see if Scott was alright, but Scott was still unconscious. But the doctors said that he was getting better and there was a chance for him to maybe wake up in one of the nearest days. Suddenly Scott slowly opened his eyes. Michael was thrilled and he tried to talk to Scott, but he passed out again. "Damn..." Sean said. "Yeah" Jesse said. But Michael didn't say a single word. He was hoping Scott would have woken up, but he didn't. Michael wanted to stay for another night, so both Sean and Jesse stayed too.

(Coma Black a) Eden Eye b) The Apple Of Discord - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #8: The Awakening!
(Sean Madden, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Michael Thompson, Scott Jonathan Gray)

It was early morning. It was still dark outside, but the sun had already begun to rise. Sean was sleeping on a chair. Jesse was on the toilet. He woke up for about an hour ago, but this time he didn't want to be rude and wake up Sean. Michael was also awake. He woke up before Jesse! Michael was sitting beside Scott, hoping and waiting for him to wake up soon. Finally Scott woke up. Michael became very glad, and he quickly woke up Sean. At the same time Jesse came back from the toilet. Scott was still very tired, but after a few minutes he finally spoke. "I've got such a terrible pain in my head" he said. "Don't worry, you are going to be okay!" Jesse said loud. "Oh God, my head, it's hurting, can't you speak a little lower?" Scott asked. "Sure". Sean said. "When can I get home?" Asked Scott. "Soon". Said Michael.

(Minute Of Decay - Marilyn Manson)

2 months later:

Chapter #9: Truth vs. Lies!
(Sean Madden, Sarah Amy Stone, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Courtney Jared, Oliver Matthew Lee, Eric Jack Taylor, Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Andrew Wright, Paul Austin)

Sean, Sarah, Jesse and Courtney went to speak to Oliver and Eric.
Scott and Michael were talking. Michael insulted Scott by saying: "Why do you meddle in my private life and what I do, when I don't meddle in that you'd fucked an under aged girl?" And then Scott left the office. But Michael wanted to apologize to Scott, but he couldn't find him. Scott was not in any office, not in the bathroom, not at the parking lot and not in any other room. Michael went to ask someone if they knew where Scott might have gone.
Andrew and Paul had abducted Scott. They held him in handcuffs. Paul was holding him while Andrew was trying to make Scott confess for his crime. But Scott said: "Fuck you!" Then Andrew said: "Brother... you asked for it!" Andrew took an iron bar and then said to Paul: "When I say now, then you let go of him". Then Scott thought: "Oh, shit!" And then at the same time, when Andrew said now, Paul let go of Scott, Scott closed his eyes and Andrew smashed Scott in the nuts with the iron bar. Scott fell, moaning, to his knees, and then on his back. Michael was listening at the door and then he ran out to the others and told them what he had heard. Sean went to the room where Andrew where and knocked on the door and asked for him to come out with Scott and let him go. Then Andrew came out and said: "Do you really want a rapist as your friend?" "He's our friend, and not a rapist!" said Sean. Then Andrew said: "Make me chief of the staff, and then you get your 'friend' back!" "Okay!" said Sean. Then Paul came out with Scott hanging over his shoulders, unconscious and with blood all over his face. Then Michael and Jesse ran down and got Scott into their office. Sean looked at Scott's face and then said to Andrew: "Listen up you fucked up sadistic freak... now you're chief in the business, are you happy now, then leave us alone especially Scott!" Then Andrew said: "No... I'm not happy before Scott confesses and I'm not finish either! And Scott is the last person that I would leave alone!" Then Michael said: "I really would enjoy to kick you so hard in your nuts, that you starts to choke on them!" Then Andrew said: "Well...Come on!" Then they all attacked Andrew and beat the crap out of him. And then they left!

(Feuer Frei - Rammstein)

Chapter #10: POISON!?!
(Andrew Wright, Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Michael Thompson, Jeff Warner)

The four friends arrive together. Somehow Andrew catches Scott on their way to the office by locking Scott and himself into another office. Of course Scott was fighting against him, but Andrew gave him some anesthetic. When the others finally broke down the door they only found Scott but not Andrew. When they finally woke up Scott, he felt a bit stunned. And he had a headache. When they were walking towards the office, Scott Suddenly fainted. Sean tried to wake him up but he was completely out. Jesse called for Andrew. Andrew came out. Jesse asked why Scott was like that. And Andrew answered: "It's incredible what a tiny potion of poison can do to a person!" Sean yelled: "Did you poison him!" "Yeah! And I won't give you the antidote! Never!" Said Andrew. Then Sean said: "You're totally insane!" "yes!" answered Andrew, and then he went back to the office. When they finally woke Scott up, he almost couldn't walk, he was like he was stunned. When they were back in the office, Scott fainted again. Jesse called for an ambulance, and Scott came on the hospital.
The doctors had a medical check-up on Scott. The doctors told Jesse and Sean that it was an unknown poison and they didn't have the antidote. Then Jesse realized that Michael wasn't there, he was gone. Jesse told it to Sean. Sean wanted to find Michael, but at the same time the doctor said that Scott only had at least one day back to live in, because the poison fatal! "Oh my God, you're kidding!" said Jesse. "I'm afraid not," said the doctor.
Michael was following Andrew. Then suddenly Michael attacked Andrew with a chair, hit him several times in the head until Andrew was unconscious, and Michael stole the antidote from him.
Michael fast went to the hospital, and gave the antidote to Scott, but Scott was still very ill. Then suddenly Jeff came at the hospital. Sean asked: "What are you doing here?" Then Jeff answered: "I've heard about Scott, and I think it's awful. I don't think Scott ever could do such things like that!" "Okay" said Sean.

(Lamb Of God - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #11: Rumors About Sean And Jeff?
(Jeff Warner, Andrew Wright, Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Michael Thompson, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Courtney Jared, Sarah Amy Stone)

The four friends arrive together with Jeff. They go straight to their office. Meanwhile Andrew goes towards their office too. And when he gets there he says: "Now I don't only got the proves about Scott, but with Sean and Jeff too!"
"What?" Jeff said. Andrew said: "Sean and Jeff are faggots!" "What the fuck?" said Sean, and he gets very mad, and he starts to yell. But now Scott can't take anymore, he grabs the nearest chair and throws it after Andrew and he starts to yell, he goes crazy. Michael and Jesse tries to control Scott, but they can't control him, Scott actually knocks out Jesse, then Scott went out of there. Michael runs after Scott. When Michael finds Scott is he sitting on the sidewalk. Michael sits beside Scott.
Michael asked Scott: "Why are you pissed?" "I can't take anymore of this shit!" said Scott. "I understand you," said Michael. "You don't understand a fucking shit!" said Scott. Then Michael started to laugh. "What the hell are you laughing of?" asked Scott. Then Michael said: "Right before when you knocked out Jesse. It looked damn funny!" "I wasn't supposed to hit him," said Scott. Then Sean, Jesse, who was mad, Jeff, Courtney and Sarah, came out. Scott and Michael rose. And they all went to their offices again.

(L I B E R A T E - Slipknot)

Chapter #12: Taking A Day Off?
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Andrew Wright, Paul Austin, Sean Madden, Oliver Matthew Lee, Michael Thompson, Jeff Warner)

They all arrives approximately four hours before they have to work, so they decides to check out the city together and have a good time together. Suddenly Scott is disappeared, and Jesse thought Andrew or Paul maybe abducted him. But he was not, because Scott had met his former girlfriend, and he was taken with her home.
An hour before they have to work, Scott arrives. Sean asked Scott: "Where the hell have you been?" "In the city" answered Scott. "In the city?" said Sean. "I don't believe you!" said Sean. Then it was time to work. They went to Oliver’s office, but it wasn't Oliver who came out. It was Andrew and Paul who came out. Then Sean asked: "What are you doing out here?" "We want to say something," said Andrew. "What do you want to say?" asked Jesse. "We know what Scott did while he was gone!" said Andrew. "What was he doing?" asked Sean very curious. "He was fucking with some girl!" said Andrew. Of course Scott became very embarrassed. And actually Scott began to blush. Then Scott turned around and went out of the office, to be alone. Jesse followed Scott. Sean and Michael attacked Andrew and Paul, but after a while got both Michael and Sean beaten the crap out of themselves.
Jesse asked Scott: "Is it true?" "Of course, it's true!" said Scott. "Sorry, it's none of my business," said Jesse. "I'm going home. I don't think I'll come the next few weeks, see ya" said Scott. "Okay, I'll tell the others, see ya," said Jesse. Then Sean, Michael and Jeff came back to the office, where Jesse was. Jeff asked: "Where's Scott?" "He went home," said Jesse.

(Let's Go To War - Murderdolls)

Chapter #13: The Shooting Star.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Andrew Wright)

Scott was sitting on the roof of his house even thought it was raining heavily. He could see the buildings where he worked. But he would rather look at the stars. They were more beautiful than the office buildings. A shooting star rolled across the black sky and vanished into the black eternal darkness, and he started thinking about his former girlfriend. She had started to hate him because she thought he told everyone about them, and she didn't want to believe Scott, when he told her that it was actually Andrew who told it all. A tiny glittering tear fell from his eye, but disappeared into the rain, which was gently hitting his cold cheeks. He was very sad. Another tear fell and disappeared just as the first one did. He wiped the raindrops away from his face and then looked upon the sky again, but within a couple of seconds, his face was wet again from all the tiny raindrops.

(In Joy And Sorrow - HIM / HER)

Chapter #14: The Teenagers.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Abe Jackson, Abdul Hugh Jones)

Scott was back at work; he and Michael were supposed to work together at a case about two teenage criminals called Abe and Abdul. Unfortunate Abe and Abdul were fighting each other when Scott and Michael arrived to their place! So Scott tried to stop them, but they were too aggressive and one of them punched Scott in the face and started kicking him in the ribs. The other then started to kick Scott at his knee and then his shoulder. Michael managed to get the teenagers away from Scott and then helped him back on his feet. But Scott's right knee and left shoulder was damaged from the kicks. Michael helped Scott back to the building where they worked. Scott almost couldn't walk and he couldn't move his arm, but within a couple of hours, his arm started getting back to normal, but his knee was still injured. If he fell or something, he could end up with crutches.

(Everything Ends - Slipknot)

Chapter #15: Sheryl.
(Sheryl Norton, Scott Jonathan Gray)

Scott was taking a bath. There was very quiet. There was only one noise. It was all of the cars that drove by the house. Scott was alone... he thought! Suddenly there was a loud "Buh!" Scott got a shock. It was Sheryl. "Oh, shit! Is it you? You scared the crap out of me! What the hell are you doing here?" said Scott. "I missed you!" said Sheryl. "You gave me a fucking heart attack!" said Scott. "Sorry." said Sheryl. Then Sheryl said: "Do you know something?" "No" answered Scott. "I'm going to bath with you!" said Sheryl. "Oh, no you're not!" said Scott. "Oh, yes I am!" said Sheryl. Then she took off her clothes. Scott's eyes became bigger and he began to blush. "What's wrong?" asked Sheryl. "Nothing's wrong..." said Scott. Then Sheryl sat in the bathtub. Sheryl sat astride Scott. Then he asked: "Do you have to sit th..." Scott couldn't speak finish 'cause Sheryl kissed him...

(Love At First Fright - Murderdolls)

Chapter #16: When Best Friends Becomes Enemies!
(Sean Madden, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Courtney Jared, Jeff Warner, Sarah Amy Stone, Eric Jack Taylor, Ben Stephen Moore, Michael Thompson, Scott Jonathan Gray, Sheryl Norton)

Sean, Jesse, Courtney, Jeff and Sarah went to Eric and Ben's office because they wanted to ask them something.
Michael asked Scott: "What were you doing last night?" "Why do you want to know?" asked Scott. "Oh, come on... tell me!" said Michael. "I was having sex" said Scott. "With who?" Michael asked very curious. "Sheryl" said Scott. "Sheryl? Do you mean Sheryl from the office across the hallway?" shouted Michael. "Quiet" said Scott. "Sorry" said Michael. "Did you really?" asked Michael. "Yeah" said Scott. "Good for you" Michael said and smiled.
Scott was trying to get something down from a closet and accidentally dropped it and unfortunately Michael was in the way and got knocked down. Michael became very mad and started to yell at Scott. Suddenly Scott kicked Michael in his nuts. Michael fell to the ground. Then Scott went out of the office. Then Sean came running to the office and saw what had happened and tried to help Michael. At the same time Scott realized what he had done to Michael. Then Scott went back to the office, but Sean threw him out again. Then Jesse came to the office. Scott told Jesse: "I wasn't supposed to do that to him, I don't know what happened to me..." Scott almost cried. Jesse believed Scott. But Sean didn't. Sean picked up a chair and ran towards Scott. Of course Scott ran away. Jesse grabbed Sean and told him to drop the chair and talk to Scott instead. Then Sean dropped the chair and ran after Scott! Then Sean stopped Scott and told him if he ever did that again he would be fired, and then Sean left him standing there.

(The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #17: A Gang's Attacking!
(Sean Madden, Michael Thompson, Scott Jonathan Gray, Sheryl Norton, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Jacqueline Johnson, Andrew Wright)

Sean and Michael were still mad at Scott. They said it was all Sheryl's fault. And Jesse was neutral, as usual! But the work went great. Sheryl won a case against another lawyer, Jacqueline, and she got promoted. Scott also did something in court that the bosses liked and he was told he was close to a promotion! But it didn't go fine on their way out of the building. Five Asian gang members attacked Scott and Sheryl. Two of them tied Scott to a lamppost and kicked and punched him until he could barely stand on his feet. Two others were watching so that no one could see what they did. And the last one was trying to rape Sheryl. Scott pleaded them to stop. But the other two was just kicking Scott at the ribs. Suddenly Michael came and helped Scott and Sheryl. When four of the guys were gone and only the leader was left on the ground, Michael helped Sheryl up from the ground and untied Scott and helped him on his feet. Scott was hurt. Scott asked if Sheryl was okay. She was. Then Scott asked Michael: "Why did you help me after what I did to you?" Then Michael answered: "I couldn't bear the thought of knowing this". Then Scott and Michael hugged each other. Then Michael grabbed the leader of the gang around his throat and said, very mad: "Why were you doing this?" The leader said: "Ve vere paid by big man vith beard, name vas Andrew... or someting like tat". Then Scott said: "Andrew... that son of a bitch!"

(1996 - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #18: Keep Sober Or Else...
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Sheryl Norton)

After the incident yesterday, Scott and Michael were now working together again and as usual they worked great together. Scott managed to win his case that afternoon and of course, Michael managed to do the exact same thing. Scott, Sheryl and Michael agreed to celebrate their victories, after work. And then after work, Scott, Michael and Sheryl went out on a nice expensive restaurant to enjoy a great dinner and then afterwards they went to buy a lot of booze and then they went home to Sheryl's place. Scott and Michael were drinking heavily and they were really having a lot of fun. Sheryl didn't drink as much as they did, but she did drink. They were celebrating their victories. And as what usually happens if you drink enough, did happen after all. They were all very drunk...

(User Friendly - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #19: ... Something Bad Could Happen!
(Sheryl Norton, Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson)

Scott woke up in the bed next to Sheryl. He had a hangover. And unfortunately he couldn't remember what he did last night. And he was wondering why they were all sleeping in the same bed. Then Michael woke up, just as confused as Scott was. Scott asked Michael: "Do you remember anything from yesterday?" "Oh, God my head! Are you trying to make my head explode? If not, shut, the fuck, up or talk lower! Please? No I don't remember anything from yesterday," Michael said. "Oh, man. Damn!" said Scott and woke up Sheryl. She didn't remember anything either than they were drunk.
Scott went out of the bed and realized he was still wearing his pants. "I must have been too wasted to take them off, before I went to sleep" he thought.

(Pretending - HIM / HER)

Chapter #20: A New Problem Begins!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Sheryl Norton, Andrew Wright)

Scott, Michael and Sheryl were still wondering about what they were doing last night. But when Andrew talked to them, they were shocked!
Andrew went into their office and said to Scott: "I've heard that you, Michael nor Sheryl can remember what you were doing last night. The only thing you remember is you woke up in the same bed. And you were drunk. But I know what you were doing! And I would love to help you! Scott do you want to know what you and your friends were doing?" Scott said: "Andrew... no I don't. Not after the way you asked me!" "Well... it's okay... but I'll tell it anyway!" said Andrew. "Oh, no!" thought Scott. "You and your friends were having sex together!" said Andrew. "That's not true! You're a liar! I would let you castrate me if it's true!" said Scott. Then Andrew said: "I would love to!" "What do you mean?" asked Scott. "It's true. I got proves!" said Andrew. "What proves?" asked Scott. "Photos! Tapes!" said Andrew. "Oh, shit, it can't be true! This is too much. I know I sometimes do crazy stuff when I'm drunk, but this... it just can't be true!" said Scott. "Will you see the pictures? Or maybe the tape!" said Andrew. "No, no, no!" said Scott. "Are you sure you don't want to have the pictures and the tape?" asked Andrew. "I don't know... okay" said Scott. Then Andrew gave Scott the pictures and the tape. He looked at the pictures... "Oh, my God it's true, oh no, oh shit... fuck!" said Scott. Then Andrew said: "You owe me something...!". "What do you mean? Oh, no I'm not! You're never ever going to do that!" said Scott. "Oh yes I am!" said Andrew. "You're crazy," said Scott, and then he left the office!
Michael didn't believe it. Neither did Sheryl. Until Scott show them the pictures.

(Rape Me - Nirvana)

Chapter #21: Pain To Some; Pleasure To Others!
(Sean Madden, Michael Thompson, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Sarah Amy Stone, Courtney Jared, Sheryl Norton, Scott Jonathan Gray, Andrew Wright)

Sean, Michael, Jesse, Sarah and Courtney were at their offices. Suddenly Sheryl came running in. She asked Sean: "Do you know where Scott is?". "No I thought he was with you," said Sean.
Andrew found Scott and knocked him unconscious. When Scott woke up, he was in the boiler room tied on a table. Scott didn't know why he was there. But he found out of it in the same moment Andrew came in with a knife! Then Scott asked: "What are you going to do?". "What do you think?" said Andrew. "Have you ever tried to be castrated? Without anesthetic?" "What?" Scott said. "How could I know... well you'll get the chance now!" said Andrew. "No, Andrew, you're insane!" yelled Scott. "I chose not to cut of your nuts... I'm just so nice," said Andrew. "I'll do it the other way," said Andrew. "What way?" said Scott with a shaken voice. "Well if you'll like to know... I'm going to cut a nice long cut across your abdomen, and... the rest... you'll just wait and see!" said Andrew. "Andrew, let me go... come on, Andrew we're adults, man... let me go!" begged Scott. "Later, okay?" Andrew said and just took the knife and slowly put it in Scott's flesh! Scott was writhing in pain! "Do you like the pain, Scott?" asked Andrew. But Scott didn't answer, he was lying on the table with his eyes closed, he slowly began to moan. "If so... there is plenty of pain for you... all free...! It is pain for you, but for me... it's all pleasure!" said Andrew. Then Andrew continued and cut an inch more. Scott squeezed the rope tightly. The blood was running from Scott's abdomen down on the floor into a puddle of blood! It was so painful he almost couldn't breathe. "What's wrong with you, Scott?" asked Andrew. "I can... barely... breathe..." Scott managed to say! Andrew smiled and kept on. Scott began to cough up blood! He was unable to breathe anymore without choking in his own blood! The pain was unbearable! The blood started to run from his mouth, down his cheek. The floor was colored red by the blood. Scott nearly passed out due to the pain... one more cut and he would, but at the same time Sean and Michael broke down the door and Michael ran after Andrew, but he escaped. They untied Scott, and helped him back in the office. They laid Scott on a bench. Then Jesse came. "What the hell happened to him?" asked Jesse. Then Sean said: "He was attacked by Andrew". "We've got to call an ambulance," said Jesse. And so he did. Then Scott asked very low and slowly: "Where's... Sheryl?" They didn't know. Then Michael received a text message on his phone. It was from Andrew! It said: "I've got Sheryl... come and get her in the boiler room now!". The ambulance came, but Scott was anxious to find Sheryl, so he went straight to the boiler room. He couldn't walk without pain in his abdomen, but he did it anyway. But Scott didn't know that Michael was following him. But right after Scott came into the boiler room he got knocked senseless by Andrew...

(Wait And Bleed - Slipknot)

Chapter #22: Pregnant?!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sheryl Norton, Michael Thompson)

Scott woke up, very tired. He had 27 stitches on his abdomen. They all got so happy that he was okay, especially Sheryl. But the doctors said that he needed sleep.
Sheryl told Michael that she was pregnant, and she became it the day they were drunk, and it could be Scott or it could be Michael who was responsible for the pregnancy. "It's probably you" said Sheryl to Michael. "Why do you think that?" asked Michael. "Because Andrew told me that you was the first one to..." said Sheryl. "Are you sure?" asked Michael. "No, but what if it is you?" said Sheryl, and then she started to cry. Then Michael hugged her and said "Don't worry, of course you're not pregnant by me". But they didn't know that Scott heard the last sentence that Michael said. Then Sheryl left the place.
Then Michael saw him and then he said: "Hey Scott, I've got something I want to tell..." but he couldn't speak finish 'cause Scott kicked him in the nuts. Unfortunately Scott misunderstood the conversation between Sheryl and Michael. And Scott kicked Michael in the ribs several times, until he could feel a weird stinging pain in his abdomen and then Michael grabbed Scott's leg and he slipped on his back, then Michael sat across him and punched him in the head until Scott pushed him away and rose, very dizzy, and then grabbed Michael by the throat and hammered him into the wall and started to choke him, but then Michael grabbed Scott's hair and knocked his head into the wall, and Scott's forehead got busted open and he fell to his knees, 'cause he was too dizzy to stand up straight! Then Michael grabbed Scott's collar and pushed him upon the wall!
Then Michael said: "Listen...! Sheryl is pregnant... but she don't know who of us is responsible for the pregnancy!". And then he let go of Scott and Michael turned around to walk out of there. But Scott's stitches were broke up and he was trying to cover the wound with his hand and was reaching out for something to hold on to with his other hand, because everything was spinning around, but his hand missed something to catch, and his legs disappeared underneath him and he collapsed on the floor! Scott was lying on the floor, on his back. He looked down on his hand. It was covered with blood and then he put the hand back on the wound, because he was trying to stop the bleeding. He reached for a doorknob with the other hand and tried to pull himself up, but he was too weak and fell on his back again. "Oh, shit!" moaned Scott. And then he began to cough. Then Michael heard him and ran back, but Scott closed his eyes and then he passed out!
Then Michael called for a doctor and Scott came back in the surgery room.

(Sur f a c i n g - Slipknot)

Chapter #23: The Dope Show.
(Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden)

At the office, Jesse looks very carefully at Scott's face. Then he whispers to Sean: "Look at Scott's eyes they look so weak. And his skin it's so pale and he looks just as weak as his eyes does... do you think he's sick?" "No I just think it's the recovering from the cut," said Sean. But Jesse followed Scott. He went to the bathroom. He forgot to close the door. Then Jesse saw he was doing drugs! Then Jesse caught Scott right after and asked: "When did you began doing drugs?". Then Scott said: "Why should I tell you?". "Because I'm your friend," said Jesse. "Are you sure about that?" said Scott. "Of course!" said Jesse, "About two months ago..." said Scott very low. "Are you an addict?" asked Jesse. "...I guess so..." said Scott. "You have to get on a drug rehab," said Jesse. "Yes I have thought about it and I have tried but I can't stay clean," said Scott.
After work, Jesse and Sean took home with Scott, to Sean's place.
Scott became desperate and became very ill. Sean and Jesse almost couldn't control him. He started to shake all over, he couldn't breathe, he began to throw up all the time, his veins became very clear and he started to sweat very much.

(The Dope Show - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #24: Almost Clean.
(Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Sean Madden, Scott Jonathan Gray)

Jesse woke up, still exhausted from what happened yesterday. And then he woke up Sean, who was exhausted too. They didn't want to wake up Scott because he needed some more sleep.
When Scott woke up, he looked very tired. He had a headache and he was freezing. He was also a bit dizzy, from all the puking. He was still shaking, a little, but he could breathe with no problem, he didn't sweat anymore and he'd stopped puking. But Scott really needed some drugs. Scott stayed in the bed, because he was obviously more exhausted than Sean and Jesse was. Now Sean and Jesse just had to keep an eye on Scott for at least two weeks, before they could be sure if he was clean.

(Steam Will Rise - Silverchair)

Chapter #25: The One.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sheryl Norton, Michael Thompson)

Scott was looking for Sheryl all over the building, and when he finally found her she just ignored him. Scott didn't have a clue of why she was doing that so he asked her: "Why do you ignore me? Are you mad?". Then she answered: "Yesterday I realized I like Michael more than I like you! I've left you and I wanna be with Michael now instead of you!". "What?" Scott yelled. Then Sheryl slapped Scott, in the face, and said: "Don't you ever yell in my face again!" "By the way... I'm pregnant by Michael!" she said and walked away from Scott. Scott almost cried. Scott was stunned. He sat down and stared down on the floor. He couldn't believe what just had happened to him. He couldn't even think of anything except for only one word which kept running across his mind: "Why...?"

(One Last Time - HIM / HER)

Chapter #26: Love Hurts More Than Death!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sheryl Norton, Courtney Jared, Andrew Wright)

Scott is sitting on his chair, at the office all alone and he was missing Sheryl. He still can't believe what happened yesterday. He was still trying to find an explanation for it all. He was still hoping to wake up from the dream and realize that it was all just a bad dream. But he never woke up. Suddenly Courtney came in. She felt sorry for Scott. She couldn't stand to see him like that. She asked him: "Are you alright? Do you need anything?". Scott said: "If it wasn't for Sheryl, then I would have left this place a long time ago, because of all those things Andrew have done to me and those who I thought were my friends. How could she do this to me? What did I do wrong? I really loved her, and I still do...". Then Scott began crying, and Courtney hugged him, trying to make him stop crying, because she started herself.

(Poison Girl - HIM / HER)

Chapter #27: When Love Blooms, Friends Glooms.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sheryl Norton, Michael Thompson, Richard Jeffrey Wayne, Christian Hunter, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson)

Scott still thought there was a chance for him and Sheryl, but it changed when he saw her and Michael kiss.
That night Scott and Michael were going to work together with Richard and Christian. But it went shitty because Scott knocked out Michael with a fist, but Jesse stopped him before he hit him more times.
Jesse asked Scott: "Why did you knocked Michael down?" "He and Sheryl loves each other... she's pregnant by him" said Scott. "Oh, my God!" said Jesse. "That was, kind of like, the worst thing they could possibly do to you!" Jesse said.

(Sehnsucht - Rammstein)

Chapter #28: Kimberly.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Kimberly Jason, Courtney Jared, Jeff Warner, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Sheryl Norton)

Scott had a case for a woman called Kimberly. Scott won the case and Kimberly goes so happy that she actually kissed Scott, not a friendly kiss but a rather passionate kiss. Scott is extremely surprised. After they kissed they looked at each other and then she said: "Thanks for your help!" and then she smiled and left Scott completely stunned! "What, the fuck, just happened?" Scott slowly said to himself. When Scott, Jesse and Courtney came back to the office, Jeff was reinstated.
Scott, Jesse and Courtney welcomed Jeff back.
Jesse came into Scott's office and said to him: "Did you know, that Kimberly has fallen in love with you after she kissed you!". Scott had told the incident to Jesse. "No, I didn't know," answered Scott. "You like her too, don't you," said Jesse. "Well... I do, but not as much as I like Sheryl," said Scott.

(It'll Be OK - limp bizkit)

Chapter #29: One Thing Ends; Another Begins.
(Sean Madden, Jeff Warner, Sarah Amy Stone, Scott Jonathan Gray, Jesse Ray Cameron, Courtney Jared, Michael Thompson, Sheryl Norton)

Sean, Jeff and Sarah arrive. Scott, Jesse and Courtney arrive. Michael and Sheryl arrive.
On her way to the office, Scott caught Sheryl and took her to the depot.
Scott asked Sheryl: "I need to know if you still love me". "I can't tell you," said Sheryl. "Can't you or won't you tell me?" asked Scott. "I don't know," said Sheryl. "Do you still love me?" asked Scott. "I think so..." said Sheryl. "You think so?" asked Scott. "Can't you just leave me alone?" yelled Sheryl and ran away.
Then Scott thought: "That was my last chance... it's all over now..."
Then Scott went to his office, and tried to continue his work, even thought he knew he couldn't work more that day!

(Heartache Every Moment - HIM / HER)

Chapter #30: Friends (F)or(n)ever?
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Sheryl Norton, Jeff Warner, Sean Madden)

Scott arrives all alone a half an hour later than the others. He is late.
Then suddenly Michael stopped Scott, and grabbed him by the throat, and pushed him upon the wall, and said: "Can't you leave Sheryl alone? I'm only telling you this once... stay away from her!" "Why?" Scott said. "Why?" Michael said. "'Cause I'm going to fucking kill you, if you don't" Michael whispered into Scott's ear. Then he let go of Scott and turned around. Then Scott said: "Psycho!" Then Michael punched Scott in the ribs and then kicked him on the kneecap. Sean and Jeff saw it. Jeff helped Scott up, and Sean caught Michael.
Sean asked Michael: "Why the hell did you do that?" "He insulted me!" said Michael. "That doesn't give you the right to hit him!" said Sean. Then they were arguing.
Jeff helped Scott to the office, and got a doctor because Scott's knee was hurt. Scott couldn't walk by himself. The doctor said: "You're lucky, you're knee isn't broken".
The doctor went away, and Jeff was very curious, so he asked Scott: "Why did he do that to you?" "I was just talking to Sheryl," said Scott. "And then he saw it?" asked Jeff. "Yeah" said Scott.

(Spit It Out - Slipknot)

Chapter #31: Working Late...
(Sean Madden, Jeff Warner)

Everyone had left the building. Sean and Jeff were working late. They were working on a case. While Jeff was reading Sean was supposed to listen, but he only watched Jeff. Sean had some very strong and special feelings for Jeff. He really adored him. Sean slowly moved himself closer to Jeff, who didn't noticed anything.
Then suddenly Sean kissed Jeff! Jeff became very surprised and pushed Sean away as a reflex and said: "Why did you do that?" "I don't know..." Sean said "Sorry!". "It doesn't matter anyway!" Jeff said and kissed Sean! Afterwards Sean said: "I've been waiting for this for a long time" "So have I" Jeff replied. Then Jeff gently kissed Sean's throat and then took off his shirt and then kissed his chest and then went further down to his belly, which was sending shivers down Sean's spine. Then they kissed each other again. "Wait..." Sean said suddenly. "What?" Jeff asked. "I have a strange feeling that someone is watching us. Try to listen..." Sean said. But there was nothing to hear, so they continued their intimacy...

(Deformography - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #32: Faith Or Coincidence?
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Jeff Warner, Sarah Amy Stone, Michael Thompson, Sheryl Norton, Jesse Ray Cameron Wilson, Courtney Jared)

Scott arrives all alone. Sean, Jeff and Sarah arrive together. Michael and Sheryl arrive together. Jesse and Courtney arrive together.
In the office when Jeff went out to pick up something, Scott asked Sean: "Were you having a good time yesterday?" "What do you mean?" asked Sean. "I mean you and Jeff," said Scott. "What?" Sean said very loud. "I saw you" said Scott. Then Sean just looked at Scott. "Don't worry I won't tell it to anyone" said Scott. "Are you sure you won't tell it?" asked Sean. "Of course" said Scott.
Then Jeff came back. Jeff asked them what they were doing. "Nothing!" said Sean. "Nothing? Are you sure?" asked Jeff. "okay! We were talking about yesterday," said Sean. "Yesterday? What do you mean? Have you told it to Scott?" said Jeff. "You don't understand it," Sean said. "Understand what?!" said Jeff. "Hmm... Jeff?" said Scott. "What?" Jeff said. "Don't blame Sean... I saw it" said Scott. "You saw it?" asked Jeff. "Yes I did." said Scott. "Then you probably think it's disgusting and sick?!" asked Jeff. "No... actually, I don't... I don't know why." said Scott.

(Iowa - Slipknot)

Chapter #33: The Biggest Mistake!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Patricia White, Sean Madden, Dominic Davey White)

Scott was talking to Patricia from another floor and he had a crush on her. When he came back, Sean said to him: "Are you sure it's a good idea to hang around her?" "What do you mean?" said Scott. "It's obvious, man! You've got a crush on her and it wouldn't surprise me if she felt the same way about you!" said Sean. "I would never make the mistake of sleeping with her, man. She's married with that psycho, Dominic!" "If that's what you say, then I believe you!" said Sean.
Patricia came into Scott's office when he was alone. "Why are you here?" asked Scott. "Are you sure you want to know?" said Patricia. "Yeah!" said Scott. "Do you really want to know?" said Patricia. "Of course I will!" said Scott. Then Patricia embraced Scott and kissed him, and when she let go of him, Scott was a bit stunned, then he said: "I don't really understand, could you tell me one more time?" said Scott and smiled, he had understood it, but he just wanted to be kissed once more! "I'm in love with you!" said Patricia. Then she locked the door and looked at Scott, took off her shirt and kissed Scott...

(New Model No. 15 - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #34: Back In The Boiler Room!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Patricia White, Dominic Davey White, Sean Madden, Jeff Warner)

Scott arrived all alone. He still couldn't believe he actually had sex with Patricia. He's afraid, he's really afraid; especially he's afraid of Dominic who's married to Patricia!
When he came to the offices he asked some guys: "Do you know where Sean is?" the guys told him where to find Sean. Then Scott went to find him.
"What the hell has happened to you?" asked Sean. "What?" Scott asked. "You just look so pale. Are you scared or something?" asked Sean. "No..." said Scott. "You just seem..." said Sean. "I know... I fucking, damn know!" said Scott. "Take it easy" said Sean. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" asked Sean. "I think I'll be going home..." said Scott. "I think that is a good idea, but tell me what your problem is first..." said Sean. Then Scott packed his stuff and left the place. "Fuck! He's without a doubt in some kind of trouble!" Sean said.
On the way to the car, Scott heard a noise. He looked around, but couldn't see anything. Then at the same time he turned around again, he felt something hit his head and then he fell to the ground. Before him he could see a pair of feet, then everything became black...
... Finally Scott regained consciousness. Scott realized he was lying on a table. He was tied! He looked around and said: "Shit! I'm in the boiler room! Oh, my head! Who, the fuck, knocked me out?" "I did!" a voice said... "Oh fuck!" said Scott. It was Dominic. "Scott, have you ever tried to be killed?" asked Dominic. "What?" Scott looked weird at Dominic and said: "You're insane!". Then Dominic punched Scott in the face and took him by the throat and yelled: "Who's insane?" "I can't breathe," panted Scott. "Oh, I'm sorry... it was not on purpose... what, the hell, do you think this is? A cafeteria?" yelled Dominic and squeezed harder around Scott's throat! "Maybe I'm insane, maybe I'm not... but I'm not the one who's sleeping with another mans wife!" Dominic said and let go of Scott.
Scott began to cough. Then he asked: "Why am I here?" "Don't you got a lot of great memories from this place?" asked Dominic while he was laughing. "Oh yeah! The closest I've ever been to hell!" said Scott with a shaken voice. "Do you remember what happened to you?" said Dominic. "I try not to!" said Scott. "Now I'm going to finish what Andrew started!" said Dominic. "No... no, don't do it!" begged Scott. Then Dominic gave Scott the middle finger... "Now, where did I put that damn knife..." said Dominic. "Oh, fuck!" thought Scott. "There it was!" said Dominic and looked at Scott with a crazy smile... Scott got a lump in his throat and he got goose bumps down his spine. "Oh, my God..." said Scott. "Let's go straight to it..." said Dominic. "No, I don't want you to do it... please don't. That thing with Patricia was all just an accident, I promise you! You have to believe me!" begged Scott. "Just an accident?" said Dominic. "Let me go..." said Scott. "Why, the hell, should I let you go?" asked Dominic. "Just do it, goddammit!" yelled Scott. "No!" said Dominic. "I'm going to get a bigger knife!" said Dominic, while he was laughing. And then he walked out of the boiler room... but Scott was almost free from the ropes, he was tied with.
Then Dominic came back. "Fuck!" yelled Dominic. Scott was gone, and in the other end of the room, another door was open. Then Dominic walked through the other door to find Scott. But what he didn't know was that Scott was hiding behind some boxes inside the room.
Then Scott left the room, to find Sean.
Then he found him. "What, the hell, are you still doing here, I thought you went home?" said Sean. "Yeah. I was attacked by Dominic!" said Scott. "What the fuck...! Are you okay?" asked Sean. "That sick freak was trying to castrate me, but I escaped from him!" said Scott. "Oh my God! He's just as fucked up as Andrew!" said Sean. "I think he's even more fucked up than you think he is!" said Scott. "But why would he do that to you?" asked Sean. "I don't know..." said Scott with a weird voice. "Yes you do... I can hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes!" said Sean. "I... hmm... had sex with Patricia!" said Scott. "Oh fuck! Are you telling me that you fucked his wife? Have you lost your mind, man?" said Sean very upset. "Maybe... probably!" said Scott.
Scott sat on a chair and thought of what to do now, while Sean was looking very strangely at Scott. He had very strong feelings for Scott! Then Scott looked at Sean and noticed the way he looked at him. "Don't look at me like that!" said Scott. "Sorry" said Sean. Then Scott left the room. On the way out he ran into Jeff. "Wow, are you still here? I thought you left" said Jeff. "Yeah. Well I came back!" said Scott. "Oh. I have to run!" said Jeff. "Wait! Do you know why Sean is looking at me like I was his fiancée?" asked Scott. "Yeah, but I don't think he would be glad if I told you why!" said Jeff. "Come on! Tell me" said Scott. "Okay, but don't say a word" said Jeff. "Okay" said Scott. "I think he's in love with you!" said Jeff, and left. Scott didn't know what to think!

(Left Behind - Slipknot)

Chapter #35: A Break For Lifetime?!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Jeff Warner)

Scott had arrived. A few minutes later Sean arrived together with Jeff. Scott was acting like nothing had happened! Jeff had not told Sean about what he said yesterday.
Sean was looking for something in his desk. Jeff was looking at him, then he walked towards him and said: "Sean, I need to talk to you!" "About what?" Sean asked. "About, I think that we should hmmm..." Jeff said! "What?" Sean said. "I think that we need a break in our relationship." Jeff said. "But why?" Sean said. "We just need some time apart." Jeff said. "If that's what you want, then it's fine with me!" said Sean. "Great! I'm glad you're understanding me," said Jeff. "Anything for you, man. I love you!" said Sean and kissed Jeff on his cheek and then went out of the office.

(The Speed Of Pain - Marilyn Manson)

Chapter #36: Celebration.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Jeff Warner, Sarah Amy Stone, Corey Christopher, James Ryan Tyler)

Scott arrives alone, and so do Sean and Jeff!
Scott and Sean are in the office getting ready to work.
Then suddenly Scott asks Sean: "What happened with you and Sarah?". Sean looks up with a weird look on his face and says: "I don't know! I guess... we just grew apart" "Sure!" Scott said with a smile on his face. "You never really loved her, did you?". "What makes you think that?" Sean asked. "I know you too well! It's easy to figure out! You're gay!" Scott said. "No, I'm not!" Sean said very upset. "Yes you are! Don't deny it" said Scott. "No, I'm not!" Sean yelled! "Okay, okay... what are you then?" asked Scott. "I don't know!" said Sean. "Okay! How many girlfriends have you had this year?" asked Scott. "I'm not sure, but I think I've had at least a couple. Tiffany and Sarah too." said Sean. "And how many guys have you been involved with or in love with?" asked Scott. "Just Jeff, and no one else." said Sean. "Let's say around 6 girls, I'm not sure if Tiffany counts. She's more a man than a woman. And Jeff and me, that's 2 guys". "Hey! I only said Jeff, not you!" said Sean. "Shut up, I know it!" said Scott. "How do you know it?" asked Sean. "Jeff told me," said Scott. "You seem like it doesn't disturb you, when your best friend is in love with you. It's weird," said Sean. "Why?" Scott asked. "I don't really know. It just seems wrong!" Sean said. "Let's go back to work, now" said Sean. "Okay!" said Scott. Right before they came to the way out to the court, Scott said: "I think you could be a bisexual!" "Maybe... who knows!" said Sean. Then they went in the court.
They won the case!
"Let's go out tonight," said Sean. "Not on a date?" asked Scott very nervous. "What? No! You know, to celebrate our victory. Not a date!" Sean laughed. "Sure! Why not." said Scott.
Scott and Sean were supposed to meet outside a bar in Los Angeles. Scott had already arrived. He was checking out all the weird types at the parking lot, where they were going to meet! There were all kinds of people there: normal people, techno types, punkers and all kinds of divas, some of them were obviously hookers! But there was one person who caught his attention! Not a beautiful person, but actually a very bizarre one! Scott wasn't sure if it was a male or a female, anyway the person was dressed in a soiled, supposed to be white, dress and had long black hair, the person had very pale skin, almost white and had black lipstick and black eye shadow! Scott also noticed how skinny the person was. But one thing that really caught his attention was that the person was doing drugs! 'Cause Scott had started doing drugs again!
"Who are you looking at?" said a voice. Scott turned around. It was Sean. "Oh, it's just you, I thought it was some kind of psycho... I'm looking at that person over there." said Scott and pointed at the bizarre person. "Who is that?" asked Scott. "That person, there?" asked Sean. "It's Corey..." he said. "So he's a transvestite? Is this a gay club?" said Scott. "No, it's not a gay club and he's not a transvestite, he's only dressed like that because it's a part of his image!" said Sean. "What image?" Scott asked. "You'll see!" said Sean. "Should we go in?" asked Sean. "Okay" said Scott. When they came inside and bought themselves a drink, Scott said: "What did you mean with 'You'll see'?". "Follow me, there is someone I want to introduce you to..." Sean said and drank up. And then Sean took Scott's hand and took him to a table at the end of the bar, near the bathroom. And at that table, Corey was sitting together with another guy! The other guy was dressed in tight leather pants and a red shirt, he had blond hair sitting like he just had an electric shock, and he also had black lipstick but blue eye shadow!
"Hey... Sean!" said Corey to Sean. "Hi, Corey. This is my best friend Scott," said Sean. "Hi..." said Scott. "Nice to meet ya... this motherfucker next to me is James, never call him Jim or Jimmy 'cause then he'll be pissed!" said Corey. "Sit down!" said James. Then Sean sat down next to James. Scott didn't sit down. "I won't bite... unless you want me to!" said Corey, and then James started laughing. "Shut up!" said Corey. "Don't mind him... he's just high! Too much pot! Sometimes he makes me nuts!" said Corey. Then Scott sat down.
Sean was the only one who wasn't drunk. Then Corey left and went out in the bathroom, and then Scott followed him.
"I've noticed that you're a drug addict," said Scott. "And...? You're not a cop, are you?" said Corey. "What? No! I'm a fucking lawyer" said Scott not very proud. "I was wondering if I could have some of your drugs?" asked Scott. "In exchange of what?" Corey asked. "What do you want?" asked Scott. "What have you got?" asked Corey. "That depends on what you want!" said Scott. "I'm just kidding! Of course you can have some. I've got plenty of it!" said Corey. And then Corey gave Scott some drugs!
The night ended 'cause Scott, Corey and James passed out. Sean had to rent a room at the bar and somehow got Scott, Corey and James up there...

(Cold - Static-X)

Chapter #37: The Reveal Of A Secret.
(James Ryan Tyler, Scott Jonathan Gray, Corey Christopher, Sean Madden, Sheryl Norton, Dominic Davey White, Michael Thompson)

James woke up on the couch. "Oh, my fucking head, man!" he said. Then he woke up Scott and Corey. "Oh, no!" said Scott. "How did we end up here?" said Scott. "Don't know, man!" said Corey. "Oh, no, not again!" said Scott and went off the bed. "What?" Corey said. "Yeah, what the hell do you mean?" said James. Then Sean came in the room. "Sean, do you know how we got up here?" asked Scott. "Yeah! I put you there! I couldn't leave you downstairs!" said Sean. "Oh, man. I thought the same thing happened as with Sheryl and Michael!" said Scott. "What? Are you nuts?" said Sean. "I think I am beginning to get paranoid!" said Scott. "Hey, dude, what the fuck are you talking about?" Corey said. "Just forget it, alright" Scott said. Then James started to laugh. "What? Did you think you fucked with him, or something?" James said. Then Scott left the room. "What did I say?" James said. "You stupid idiot!" Sean said. Then Corey went after Scott.
"What is it?" Corey asked. "I don't wanna talk about it!" Scott said. "Holding it back will only make it worse" Corey said. Scott was doubting for a moment. "You're right" he said. And then Scott told the entire story to Corey.
Meanwhile Sheryl was arriving at the bar. Then she walked up the stairs. Scott could hear her talking on the cell phone. "... I'm looking for Scott here. I was told he would might be here..." was the words he heard. Then he took Corey's hand and dragged him into a closet and made him shut up by holding his hand on his mouth. "Shhh..." he said. "I know her. It was her I told you about..." he whispered. "Dominic..." Sheryl said. "I can't find him. And I don't have time to search for him. It's hard to spy on a person and pretend to be pregnant at the same time... this pillow is starting to itch!" she said. Scott's look on his face suddenly changed. She was faking her pregnancy! "Fuck... what a stupid bitch..." he thought. "She's been working together with Dominic the whole time". Then she left the bar. Scott let go of Corey, and then went out of the closet. Scott stood with his back against the wall. "What the fuck was that all about?" Corey asked. Scott slowly slide down the wall and sat on the floor and covered his head with his hands and said: "She has been tricking me from the beginning..." "Now you know the truth. What about the rest of people you know? Do they know the truth?" Corey said. "Oh, man... I have to tell it to Michael. I need you to come with me and back me up or else he won't believe me!" Scott said. Then they rushed in to Sean and James and told them that they went down to the offices to tell Michael something very important.
On the way out Scott bumped into Sheryl. For a moment he wanted to remove her phony belly, but he didn't have time for it. "Get outta my way!" he said and pushed her away. Corey couldn't hold his hands to himself and grabbed the pillow and ripped it off her and yelled "Busted" right into her face and then he started to laugh and went after Scott. He took the pillow with him. "Look what I've got" he said to Scott, smiling. Scott smiled and said: "You just had to do that, huh?" " I couldn't help myself!" Corey said.
Scott and Corey arrived at the offices and started to look for Michael. Finally they found Michael. He was in the parking basement. It was very early, so he was alone in the basement. Then Scott and Corey ran towards him. When Scott stopped next to him, he had to catch his breath again, but he never reached. Behind him he heard a "click". The sound of a gun getting loaded. He froze and got goose bumps down his spine. He slowly turned around. He saw Corey standing still, scared and frozen, with a gun pointing to his head and the hand of Dominic around his throat. "If you fucking move then I'll use his brain as wallpaper!" Dominic said. "You got it. I won't move an inch..." Scott said. "Follow me..." Dominic said, and started walking towards the toilets at the other end of the basement. "You walk first!" he said. Then Scott and Michael started walking. When they came to the toilets, Dominic told Scott to open the door. Then they went into the room. Inside the room Dominic reached down his pocket and took a couple of handcuffs up! Then he cuffed Corey's hands to the pipes at the ceiling. Corey could barely touch the ground with his feet! Then he grabbed Michael's hands and cuffed him to the sink and punched him in the head! Then he grabbed Scott around his throat and pushed him into the wall and then grabbed his hair and knocked his head into the wall several times until Scott collapsed on the floor, unconscious. "Hey leave him, the fuck, alone!" Michael yelled. "Shut up! I won't say it again!" Dominic said and pointed the gun at Michael. Then Corey started to yell too! "I'm gonna fucking kill you, motherfucker!". Then Dominic put the gun to Corey's forehead and said: "Quiet!" and smiled. "Fuck you! I've had a gun to my head before!" Corey said. Then he removed the gun and left the room. "Wake up, Scott!" Michael and Corey yelled, trying to wake up Scott! But they couldn't. Dominic came back with duck tape and an iron pipe. He slammed the pipe, as hard as he could, in Corey's ribs! Then he ripped off a piece of the tape and put it on Corey's mouth to make him shut up! "That'll make you shut up!" Dominic said and laughed.
Scott slowly started to regain consciousness. As he opened his eyes, he was looking into a gun. He didn't move. He didn't want to risk anything. Dominic could do all kinds of crazy shit. "One word or move and I'll shoot your head off!" Dominic said. "You don't have the guts to do it..." Michael suddenly said. Then he turned around and looked at Michael, but still with the gun pointing at Scott. Then he looked at Scott and smiled, and knocked the gun into Scott's neck. Scott fell to his knees with his hands around his neck. "Oh, fuck," he said. Scott became very dizzy. Everything was spinning around. He didn't even notice that Dominic went over to Michael and put his hand over his mouth, to make him silent and then put the gun to his thigh and pulled the tricker. Scott heard the shot and the choked voice of a hurt man, trying to moan. "Oh, my God," Scott said and looked at Michael's bloody thigh. "Shut up!" Dominic said and pointed the gun at Scott. "You're sick..." Scott said. Then Dominic went to Corey and got down on his knees and put the gun up under Corey's dress and put the gun to his genitals! Corey became frightened and Scott said: "Okay, I'll shut up". "Too late... I'm gonna shoot no matter what! Too bad for you and your friend!" Dominic said. Corey started breathing heavier. He was very frightened. As Dominic was about to pull the tricker, Scott suddenly attacked him from behind and Dominic accidentally shot. But luckily he only hit him in the groin area and not his genitals. The blood started running down his leg.
Scott knocked Dominic, in the head, until he was out. He took off the tape from Corey's mouth and started looking for the key in Dominic's pockets. When he found it he hurried and opened the handcuffs and got Corey free. Corey couldn't stand up so he collapsed on the floor and reached to cover his wound, with his hand. Scott also got Michael free.
"I'll go call the cops and an ambulance" Scott said and ran out to find a phone. A few minutes later Scott came back with some towels. He threw a towel to Michael and sat next to Corey and put a towel underneath his neck and put one on his wound to stop the bleeding. After a few seconds, the towel was soaped in blood! "Fuck, it's worse than I thought," Scott said. Meanwhile Dominic woke up again and quickly rose and ran out of there. "Shit...!" Scott yelled. He had to let Dominic run, because Corey was losing too much blood. After a couple of minutes, Corey started to breathe heavier and he could barely keep his eyes open. Michael's wound had already stopped bleeding. Scott had to get some new towels. He fast went out of the room and was assaulted by Dominic! Michael saw it and tried to get up, but his wound cracked and started bleeding again! Michael fell down on his back and heard some kind of explosion! Corey didn't seem to notice anything, he was nearly unconscious. Michael used all of his strength to stand up straight and went slowly out the room, and outside he saw a burning vehicle and bloodstains on the floor. There was no sight of Scott! Michael heard the sound of the police sirens and then felt a pain in the back of his head. Dominic hit him. Michael became dizzy and everything started spinning around. He fell to the ground and everything became black...

(Bother - Stone Sour)

Chapter #38: The Problems Always Return!
(Michael Thompson, Corey Christopher, Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Jeff Warner, James Ryan Tyler, Dominic Davey White)

Michael woke up on the hospital the day after. He had a horrible pain in his head and his leg. In the other bed next to his, he saw Corey lying, still asleep. He still didn't knew his name. They didn't reach to get to know each other’s names! Suddenly Michael remembered the car, which exploded. He wondered what happened to Scott. Then the door opened and Sean and Jeff stepped inside. "How are you?" Sean asked. "I don't know. I'm confused..." Michael said. "Do you know what happened to Scott?" Jeff asked. "No, I don't have any clues about his disappearance" he said. "This is very strange!" Jeff said. They heard a knock on the door and inside came a nurse. "Do any of you know this man, sleeping in a chair right outside this room?" the nurse said. "What? Oh, it's James! He is one of Corey's friends" Sean said. "Okay" said the nurse and left. "Corey... so that's his name" Michael said and smiled. "You didn't know that until now?" Sean said and began laughing. Then suddenly Corey woke up. He looked around for a few seconds and then said: "Where the hell am I?" "You're at the hospital, you were shot!" Sean said. "Oh yeah, now I remember... don't I have any visitors?" Corey said. "Actually you have," Sean said and then went out to wake up James. He was still sleeping. He was sitting on the edge of the chair halfway to fall down. He was snoring very much! Sean couldn't help himself, he had to laugh. James looked like some kind of an idiot! "James! Wake up!" he said very loud. Nothing happened. James was still sleeping! Then Sean slapped James on top of his head and he woke up and looked around and then fell asleep again. Sean slapped him again, even more hard, and then he woke up and said: "What are you doing?" "You are snoring!" Sean said, "No wonder, I haven't slept all night!" James said, "Were you too worried about Corey?" Sean asked, "No, I was too stoned" James said and smiled. "You're so sick" Sean said and laughed, "Corey just woke up. You better visit him before you fall asleep again!" he said and dragged James inside. Corey was very glad to see him. "I wasn't expecting to see you here" Corey laughed. "I can't remember how I ended up here..." James said and collapsed in a chair behind him. He was obviously high! "Why don't you go home and rest and then come back later?" Jeff said to James. "I don't know which hospital I am at, which also means... I don't know how to get home" James said and exhaled very heavy, because he was very exhausted. "I'll take you home, if it's fine with Corey" Sean said and looked at Corey, waiting for his answer. "It's okay with me" Corey said. "Great, I'll be back in about 30 minutes, take care" Sean said and turned towards James, but he had already fallen asleep again. Sean once again woke up James and together they walked down to the car. When they came into the car, James didn't want Sean to drive yet. He just needed to do something very important. As he said it was. Then James reached down his pocket and pulled out a little box. "What, the hell, is that thing?" Sean asked. Then James opened it up and inside of it a needle and some mysterious white powder was. It was cocaine! "No, James. Leave that shit alone. It won't do you any good!" Sean said. "It'll keep me awake until I get home" James said. "Throw it away" Sean said. "Are you crazy, I've paid a lot for it!" James said and put some cocaine on the desk in the car. Then Sean went out of the car and shut the door. James took his credit card out of his wallet and after a few seconds, the powder was in a fine line. Then James took a dollar bill and rolled it up and then sniffed the cocaine. At first it felt good, but suddenly James felt like he was going to puke and then he felt a sting in his chest. He became dizzy and barely managed to open the door and literally fell out of the car and placed his hand on the side of his chest, where the pain was. Sean saw him and fast sat next to him but didn't know what to do, because he didn't know what was wrong with James. "What happened?" Sean asked. "I think I took too much..." James managed to say. Everything was spinning around and he was very confused. Sean called for help and a lot of doctors and nurses came running as fast as they could.
James was taken to a special room where they treated people who had an overdose. Sean was frightened. He had never witnessed an overdose reaction before. He sat on a chair in the hallway and put his hands around his head and didn't think of anything but only listened to the silence. Suddenly he heard a weak voice from a room further down the hallway and then he went down there to see what it was. Then he heard the voice again, but this time he was able to hear what the voice was saying. "Help. Is anybody there?" he heard. Sean was very curious, so he tried to open the door. It wasn't locked! "Strange..." he thought. Inside the room, there was nothing. He went inside the room to look around, but he couldn't find anyone. He turned around and in front of him he saw Dominic standing with an iron pipe in his hand. Before Sean reached to do anything, Dominic hit Sean's forehead with the iron pipe and Sean fell backwards and passed out as his head hit the floor!

(Dig - MuDvAyNe)

Chapter# 39: Continuing To Wreck.
(Sean Madden, Scott Jonathan Gray, Corey Christopher, James Ryan Tyler, Dominic Davey White, Jeff Warner)

Sean regained consciousness after about an hour. He was lying on the floor with his hands cuffed to some pipes. He had a stinging pain in his forehead and everything he saw was blurry. He wanted to touch his forehead to feel if it was busted open, but was unable to, due to the handcuffs.
After a few seconds, he was able to see what was not far from him. He could see a table in front of him. Not a normal table, but one of those surgery tables. And on top of the table, he saw a person lying. It was Scott. His hands were tied and his legs were strapped. Dominic obviously wanted to be sure, Scott didn't escape this time!
Sean tried to get free from the pipes, but they were too strong to break. When he realized, he could not escape, he started yelling at Scott hoping for him to wake up, and so he did.
Scott was very dizzy and looked around, then tried to get up, but he couldn't get up, because he was tied and strapped to the table!
"Sean? It that you?" Scott said "Yeah! What, the fuck, is going on?" Sean asked "I don't know, man, I just woke up! I don't remember anything since the assault in the parking basement!" Scott said "How's Corey and Michael?" "They're fine, but James just had an overdose..." Sean said "What? Fuck, is he okay?" Scott asked "I don't know, because Dominic tricked me, to get in here" Sean said "Man, I hope he's fine" Scott said.
In the same moment, the door opened and in came Dominic! "This time, I promise you, Scott, if you escape, I will hunt you down and kill you in the most painful way you could ever imagine!" Dominic said. "Fuck you!" Sean yelled. Then Dominic smiled and went over to Sean and got down on his knees and put his hand over his mouth and pulled a gun out of his pocket and put it to his head and whispered in his ear: "Shhh... or I'll shoot your head off..." Sean didn't want to lose his head, so he stayed quiet. "Good boy" Dominic said and smiled as cruel as possible! Dominic rose and went over to a little closet, hanging on the wall and opened it and reached inside and took out a little red box. "What are you gonna do this time?" Scott said very frightened "The same as I always does, except for, this time I will sedate you first!" Dominic said while Scott noticed the needle Dominic was holding in his hand.
Sean looked around to find a way to get Dominic's attention and he saw the keys to the handcuffs on a shelf above him. He started to shake the pipes. Meanwhile Dominic injected Scott with the anesthetic. "Stop making those noises!" Dominic yelled and went over to Sean and bend down and grabbed his hair and knocked his head into the pipes. Sean almost lost consciousness, Dominic was still holding his hair and then once again knocked his head into the pipes. Sean could feel the blood from his forehead, running down and could see it dripping down before his eyes. At the same time the door was kicked open and hit Dominic in the back of his head and knocked him unconscious. Sean looked up and in the door, he saw Jeff standing! He was obviously surprised! "What, the fuck, is going on here?" Jeff said almost with a shaken voice! "You don't even wanna know it..." Sean said "Take the keys on the shelf above me". Jeff took the keys and got Sean free and then helped him on his feet and then untied Scott.
Sean was still a bit dizzy from the pipe incident. He felt his forehead and realized he had a big gash. The anesthetic had already begun to affect Scott, so Jeff and Sean had to cooperate to get Scott out of the room and to get some help.
Outside a nurse saw them and Scott could barely keep his eyes open anymore, so he was given immediate help. Sean's forehead required 6 stitches.
When Jeff went back to the room, together with some doctors and the local police officer, Dominic had disappeared! There was no sight of him.
After Sean was stitched he went to see how James was doing, and Jeff went to tell Corey and Michael about what happened to Scott, Sean and James.

(Something Told Me - Coal Chamber)

Chapter #40: Lies Replaced By Truth.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Corey Christopher, Sheryl Norton)

Scott had been visiting Michael and Corey for the past two weeks, on the hospital, but today it was time for Michael to be released from the hospital. Corey had to stay for at least two more days, and of course, Scott was going to visit him, because those past two weeks, Scott and Corey had becoming pretty good friends! They had realized, they had a lot more in common than the drugs!
Michael came home, with no problems at all. Of course Scott had told him about Sheryl, but he didn't really believe him, until he saw it with his own eyes!
The first thing, Michael did as he arrived home, was not going straight to Sheryl, but instead he managed to get his hands on her cell phone.
Michael then went back to the hospital, with the cell phone. Scott had already been at the hospital for at least three hours and Michael was wondering, what they were talking about for so long.
"Why did you come back again?" Corey asked Michael as he came in through the door "I wanted to be sure, you are talking the truth about Sheryl!" Michael said.
Scott and Corey were still talking, they apparently had a very good time!
Then the cell phone rang... Michael looked at it and then at Scott and then he answered the phone, but he didn't say anything. "Sheryl, I've got a new plan for Scott..." it was Dominic's voice! "Sheryl? Sheryl, are you there?" then Michael hung up.
"Oh my, fucking, God! You were right. I'm gonna kill her" Michael said "Don't do anything stupid, now!" Scott said.
Then Michael went home. Scott looked at Corey, very nervous. "I hope, he's not gonna get himself hurt!" Scott said.
Sean and Jeff were at work, and suddenly Sean said to Jeff: "I think, I know why you wanted a break in our relationship" "What do you mean?" Jeff said. "It's because of my feelings for Scott, isn't it?" Sean said. "It doesn't matter" Jeff said "Just let it be, okay" "Doesn't matter? Why doesn't it matter?" Sean said, but Jeff didn't answer and just walked out of the place and left Sean wondering.
Michael came back to the hospital and went into the room, where Corey and Scott were. As Michael entered the room, he was quiet and just sat down on a chair. He was staring out in the thin air. "What happened?" Scott asked. But Michael didn't react at all. "Hey! Wake up!" Corey yelled. Michael looked at Scott and Corey and said: "What...?" "What happened?" Scott repeated. "She told me the truth. You were right! She has been lying since the beginning! She isn't pregnant..." Michael said "I told you!" Scott said "That incident between you, me and her, where we found ourselves in her bed one morning, was a lie too!" "What?!" Scott said very surprised "She drugged us and placed us in the same bed as herself and Andrew claimed that we had sex. But we didn't. They set it all up! All the pictures and tapes were fake..." Michael said "Oh, my God... this is sick! So sadistic...! That explains why I was wearing my pants when I woke up!" Scott said. "From now on, I will never risk our friendship, for a girl!" Michael said and looked at Scott "Me too" Scott said and smiled and then they hugged. "How sweet..." Corey said and laughed. "What?" Scott said "Nothing" Corey said and smiled to Scott. "I don't like him" Michael said "He's strange..."

((Per)Version Of A Truth - MuDvAyNe)

Chapter #41: Follow The Road...
(Corey Christopher, Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Sheryl Norton, Dominic Davey White)

It was finally time for Corey to be released from the hospital. Scott had promised to drive Corey home, because Corey was not allowed to drive, because he was still under medication. And of course Scott would not want to break his promise!
Scott was surprised that nothing bad had happened to Michael yet, even though he had discovered the secret about Sheryl's pregnancy. It scared the shit outta Scott. He barely wanted to be alone, that was why he had made an agreement with Corey. Scott could sleep at Corey's house, just until tomorrow. Because Scott did not want to drive home in the darkness all alone. He was too scared to do that! The thought of Dominic planning something even more sick and sadistic, really made him nervous.
It was already late afternoon and now it was time for Corey to be released from the hospital. Somehow Scott felt more secure on the hospital, even though he had been assaulted so many times at the hospital. Or else it was just because he was together with Corey.
It was already starting to get dark when they entered the car. Corey sat next to Scott on the other front seat. Scott started the car and then drove out from the parking lot.
It would take at least an hour to get to Corey's apartment.
It was dark now. And Scott was concentrating on driving the car and kept his eyes on the road. Suddenly Corey started smiling, but Scott didn't notice it before he heard a sniggering from Corey. "What's so funny?" Scott asked very curious. "It's just my dirty imagination..." Corey laughed "What were you thinking about?" Scott asked even more curious, "What do you think?" Corey said while he was smiling and looked at Scott. "Well, I don't know. How would I know?" Scott said and looked at Corey for just about a half second and then looked back on the road, "You, of course" Corey said. Scott didn't seem very surprised at all, he actually smiled a little bit. "Where you having dirty thoughts about me too?" Corey asked just for fun. Scott smiled a little more. "You should smile more often. It makes you look cute" he said, "I can't think dirty stuff about you now, while I'm driving or else we would end up crashing into a tree!" Scott laughed "I had earlier... and maybe later..." Scott said very serious. "A shame we're driving. I'm in some sort of cuddle mood right now" Corey said and laughed. "What, the fuck, are we talking about? I must have gotten a head injury the other day, from one of those punched I received from Dominic!" Scott suddenly said very serious and then looked straight at the road. "What? Don't deny it..." Corey said, but Scott didn't answer, he just looked at the road and pretended, he didn't hear what Corey said.

(All Apologies - Nirvana)

Chapter #42: Accept Your Feelings...
(Corey Christopher, Scott Jonathan Gray)

After about 26 minutes, they had arrived near the street where Corey's apartment was and Scott stopped the car and stepped out of it. He didn't say a single word. Corey shook on his head and went outta the car. "You are so fucked up!" Corey said to Scott as he stepped out of the car, "What do you mean?" Scott asked very curious, "You don't know what I mean? You tell me something and then denies it afterwards! If it's how you feel about me, then just give in and tell me the truth. I told you about my feelings for you and I meant all of it!" Corey said with a very unhappy look on his face. Scott didn't say anything for a moment and then said: "What, exactly, is it that you find so fascinating about me?". He seemed very serious, so Corey gave him a serious answer "I'll tell you what. Everything! Everything... but mostly it's gotta be your blue eyes. Your sexy voice. Your cute smile. That's what it is!" Corey said and he was a bit angry with Scott, so he found his key and unlocked the front door and went into his apartment. Scott didn't move. He was still trying to deal with what Corey just told him. "I thought you were gonna sleep here? Or are you going home by yourself?" Corey said. "Please, don't go home by yourself! I don't want you to get hurt or killed..." he said "Okay. I don't wanna risk anything, but I'll leave tomorrow as soon as I wake up" Scott said "Whatever. If that's what you want" Corey said and smiled a little. Then Scott followed Corey inside the apartment.
Corey sat on his bed and looked at Scott for a while. Scott didn't notice until a few seconds later. "Why are you looking at me?" he then said "Is that, fucking, illegal?" Corey said "Yes it is!" Scott said kinda angry "You do have feelings for me, right? I'm not talking about friendly feelings. I mean stronger feelings... love perhaps..." Corey continued with a wondering look on his face. "You don't know what you're talking about" Scott said and looked away "Oh, yes I do" Corey said and rose from the bed "Shut, the fuck, up, you motherfucker!" Scott yelled "You're afraid of what you feel, aren't you? Oh, yes you are. But you have to accept your feelings, or else you'll end up as an isolated guy. All alone!" Corey said very convincing. Scott looked at Corey. For about a minute, they only looked into the eyes of each other. Then Corey slowly walked towards Scott and gently kissed his lips. Scott was shaking, but his fear vanished completely after kissing Corey...

(This Time Imperfect - AFI)

Chapter #43: Troubles At The Office.
(Corey Christopher, Scott Jonathan Gray, Dominic Davey White, Sean Madden)

It was morning and Corey was still sleeping. Scott had already been up for a long time. He had already showered and was now sitting and watching Corey sleep. Scott had completely forgotten, that he was supposed to be at work today. Then Corey woke up. Corey looked at Scott and then said: "I thought you said you should leave as soon as you woke up?" "Fuck!" Scott suddenly said very loudly "What?" Corey asked very confused "Fuck, I'm gonna be late at work!" he said and rushed out of the door. Then Corey laughed a little and shook on his head.
Scott drove as fast as he could, trying not to be pulled over by a police car. As he finally arrived at work, he was almost an hour late.
On the way to his office, he accidentally bumped into his boss, "Oh, I'm sorry" Scott said to his boss, "It's okay. You're late! One more time and you'll get fired!" his boss said and left, "Thanks..." Scott said to himself. Then he went into his office. But he didn't know who was inside his office, waiting for him. As Scott entered the door, he saw Dominic sitting on a chair. "What are you doing here?! Fuck off, before I kick your ass!" Scott said very angry, "I see you're late..." Dominic said and rose from the chair "I wonder why..." he said and smiled. "Yeah, I bet you do. It's none of your business. Now get lost!" Scott said, "I already know why you're late!" Dominic said as he came one step closer to Scott. "What are you talking about?" Scott said very curious. "Does the name Corey ring a bell?" Dominic asked as he smiled a bit "What are you trying to say?" Scott said very serious and then he stepped closer to Dominic. "You slept with him" Dominic said. Then Scott assaulted him, but at the same time Sean entered the room. He only saw Scott attack Dominic, but didn't hear anything from their conversation. Scott had already punched Dominic several times in his head, before Sean reached to pull him back and held his arms and at that very moment, their boss came into the room and saw them! "What's going on in here?!" the boss asked very angry "He attacked me for no reason!" Dominic said very quickly "Fuck you!" Scott yelled at Dominic. "Quiet!" the boss said "Mr. White, please leave us alone for a moment" he said to Dominic. Then Dominic left the room with a bloody nose and some bruises and scratches. "Mr. Madden, can I talk to you alone?" the boss then asked Sean "Of course" Sean answered and then followed the boss into a room next to this one. "What happened?" "I don't know. All I know is that Scott jumped Dominic as I came through the door" Sean said "Okay. Now get back to work! I need to speak to Mr. Gray" the boss said and then Sean left and the boss went back in to Scott, who was washing the blood of his knuckles. "Mr. Gray... I am tired of you. You always get into trouble and end up fighting with the staff. I can't have employees with that kind of behavior. I'm afraid I have to fire you!" the boss said, "But..." Scott said "I've made up my mind! Now leave. I don't wanna see you here again. Ever! Is that understood?" the boss said "Yes..." Scott replied, then the boss left the room. Then Scott packed his stuff and went to the elevator. Sean saw him on his way to the elevator and then followed him, but he didn't reach him and Scott went down with the elevator. Sean waited for the next elevator and then caught Scott outside the office building. "What happened?" Sean asked. "I'm fired" Scott said "What?" Sean said "You heard me right..." Scott said "Why did you attack Dominic?" Sean asked, "He said something to me" Scott said. "And what did he say, since it pissed you so much off?" Sean asked, "That I slept with Corey..." Scott said like it didn't matter, "You what?!" Sean said very surprised, "You heard what I said!" Scott said, "Oh, God, sometimes you really surprise me...!" Sean said almost smiling, "I surprised myself as well" Scott said "Well, now I have to leave. I've gotta find a new job..." he said. "What are you gonna do?" Sean asked, "I don't know. Anything that's available" Scott said and then left.
Then Sean went back to his work.

(Chop Suey - System Of A Down)

Chapter #44: Don't Trust Anybody!
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Corey Christopher, Dominic Davey White)

It was already late morning. The clock was nearing 11am. Scott was on his way through Corey's front door. After a long night, Scott had nothing to do, so he ended up at Corey's home.
What Scott did before he came to Corey's place, he didn't tell Corey. He had been at the local casino and unfortunately, he lost all of his money and he even owed a couple of thousand dollars to some guy.
As Scott opened the door, Corey woke up.
"Where have you been? I heard about what happened to you at your work. I tried to call you, but no one answered the phone! I was really worried about you, man" Corey said, "You don't have to be worried about me. I can take care of myself" Scott said, "You sound angry... Did I say something wrong?" Corey asked, "No, it's not because of you. I'm just in a bad mood" Scott said.
Scott then sat on the bed and scratched his neck, because he felt an itch. Corey sat behind him and gently began rubbing his neck.
"What are you up to?" Scott asked, because he had a feeling that Corey's neck rubbing had to lead to something else. Corey smiled and said: "Something obscene...", then Scott rose and pushed Corey away from him and said: "Get away from me...", "What? What is it?" Corey said in despair while he reached out for Scott. "Don't touch me!" Scott said and moved further away from Corey. "What the fuck is your problem? You're a fucking basket case!" Corey said very mad and disappointed. "What do you mean by that?" Scott asked very curious, "One minute you wanna fuck, the next minute you won't even let me touch you!" Corey said and rose from the bed and stood in front of Scott. "Sometimes it just feels like you're just using me, to get some..." Scott said kinda sad, "And what if I do?" Corey said anxious to know, "Are you?" Scott asked quietly, "Yes, I do! Is that what you wanna hear? I am only with you for the sex!" Corey said. "You motherfucking bastard..." Scott said quietly, "Yeah, I'm a bastard, and you know what? I loved it every time, even though you sucked at it!" Corey said right to Scott's face.
Scott had enough of what Corey told him and he punched him, as hard as he could, in his face. Corey fell to his knees, holding his bloody nose, "You've broken my nose..." he moaned. "I trusted you, but you lied to me too" Scott said and then kicked him in the ribs. Corey groaned, and Scott could hear the pain in his voice. "It wouldn't surprise me, if you were working for Dominic too!" Scott yelled to Corey and kicked him once again in his ribs. Corey covered his ribs with his arm and coughed. "I... don't" he panted and then coughed up blood. "It doesn't matter anymore. I'm through with you!" Scott said very serious and then left the apartment.
Corey was still on the floor, coughing up some more blood, and he could barely breathe!

(The Bitter End - Placebo)

Chapter #45: Tortured Soul.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Sean Madden, Corey Christopher)

Scott was now wandering around on the streets. He didn't know where to go. He was afraid to trust anyone anymore.
He looked around very confused and then sat down on the sidewalk and looked down in the gutter.
"Get up!" he suddenly heard someone say. Then Scott rose and slowly turned around, and in front of him, the same guy, as he owed money to, was standing with a gun pointing towards him.
"I want my money... Now!" the guy said, "I don't have any money. If I had, I probably wouldn't give them to you anyway!" Scott said and smiled, "Do you wish to die?" the guy asked and put the gun to his head, "I don't care right now... Just pull the trigger!" Scott said seriously, "Shoot me!" Scott yelled!
"What's going on over there?" a voice said from around the corner and for a minute the guy, with the gun, looked away and Scott grabbed the gun. Scott didn't even reach to aim the gun before he pulled the trigger! The guy fell on the ground on his back, bleeding from the gunshot wound between his eyebrows! He was dead instantly!
At the same time the other guy, who had just asked what was going on, came around the corner and saw the dead corpse on the ground and Scott standing above it with a gun in his hands.
"Oh, shit..." the guy said and ran away to the nearest payphone to call the police.
"Fuck..." Scott said and, dropped the gun and, walked a few steps away from the corpse.
Then his cell phone rang. Scott sat down on the sidewalk, with a face that looked like he had completely given up on everything. The phone kept ringing. Then Scott just answered the phone. It was Sean. "I just found Corey in his apartment. Someone beat him up. And apparently it seems to be you! What the fuck is you problem, man?" Sean asked, "I just killed a guy..." Scott said and hung up the phone.
At the same time a bunch of police cars arrived together with an ambulance.
Scott was immediately arrested.

(Alone I Break - KoRn)

Chapter #46: In The Prison.
(Scott Jonathan Gray)

Scott was guilty as charged. That was the decision of the trial. There was a witness to the murder and Scott's fingerprints were on the gun, which was the murder weapon.
After the trial, Scott was given the life time penalty in one of Los Angeles' best high security prisons.
None of his friends wanted to see him anymore. He was left completely alone by all of them. No one of his fellow prisoners liked him.
One day after about a month in the prison, three other prisoners assaulted him. Everyone feared those prisoners. Even the guards feared them! They were allowed to do what ever they wanted to do! And that day their eyes fell on Scott.
They dragged Scott, with them, into a cell aside from the other cells.
"What are you going to do? Let me go!" Scott pleaded, "If you really wanna know it, then we're going rape you!" the biggest one of them said and pushed Scott upwards the wall, so he was facing the wall, and put his hand over his mouth.
Scott shut his eyes and hoped he would be able to avoid what was about to happen...

(Bring Me To Life - Evanescence)

Chapter #47: Back To Reality.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Stacey Gray, Shannon Gray)

...As Scott opened his eyes, he realized he was lying in a hospital bed. Next to him his wife, Stacey, was standing. She was holding his hand. Next to her, their five year-old son, Shannon, was standing. Scott looked into his big blue eyes and saw the joy shinning from them.
"What happened?" Scott said wondering, "You were hit by a car. You have been lying in a coma for almost three weeks" Stacey said almost crying, "I'm so happy, you're awake. The doctor said if you would wake up soon, then you would be fine, and now you're awake, so you're gonna be fine" she said and smiled, while a tear fell from her eye.
Then Scott remembered all of it. On his way to work, a car hit him.
After talking to his wife and his son for about two hours a doctor finally entered the room and then he told Scott what had happened to him. He had been hit by that car and had hit his head against the windshield, which gave him a concussion, and broken a few ribs, punched a lung and broken some bones in his left arm. Other than that, he was fine.
His head hitting the windshield caused him to end in a coma.
Then Scott realized, none of those horrible things, that had been happening lately, never ever really took place. He had been dreaming all along!

(Dreamer - Ozzy Osbourne)

Chapter #48: Moving On.
(Scott Jonathan Gray, Michael Thompson, Sean Madden)

A couple of weeks later, Scott was able to work again.
The first day back at the repair shop, went very fine. He still wasn't able to lift those heavy car parts, but he was doing fine.
After work, Scott wanted to tell Michael and Sean something very important. He wanted to tell them about the strange dream of his, which he had while he was in the coma.
As he told them about his dream, both Michael and Sean looked very surprised. "What?" Michael said, "You must be kidding" Sean said. "No. It's true. I really dreamt that shit!" Scott said, "Did you say, that we were all lawyers? You must have hit your head really bad, man!" Michael laughed, "Oh, man, that sounds like some scary shit!" Sean said, "Yeah, I'd rather have some sexual dream!" Michael said and smiled, "Me too..." Scott said and laughed.

(Funeral Of Hearts - HIM / HER)