about JOHN5

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He has become very popular since he joined the band. He is the only member who isn't named after a famous woman and a serial killer. He is the youngest member of the band.
He is called John5 cause he is the 5th member of the band and his real name is John Lowery.
He has been in the band since 1998.
He is 31 years old. He was born the 31st July 1971.
He started playing guitar at the age of 6.
Music he hears: Jimmy Hendrix, The Beatles, Van Halen and Steely Dan.
His favorite album is "Van Halen" by Van Halen.
John5 was in the band "froSTed" from 1995-1996.
And John5 started the band Red Square Black, but he was chosen to do a show in Detroit, so he had to leave the band.