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Bio. / Stats.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Manson & Co.

Marilyn Manson
Named after the Hollywood star Marilyn Monroe and the serial killer Charles Manson.
Scary fucker! Gave blowjobs to the guitarist from Nine Inch Nails, onstage. Have had blowjobs by Twiggy onstage. Beat the crap outta Ginger Fish, with a mike stand. Calls himself "The God Of Fuck" and sliced his chest open with a broken bottle and asked the audience to spit in the wound. Nice guy!
And why? Unhappy as a kid and a teenager, some people say so.
Manson founded the band and decided all the names of the group members.

Important about Mazza:
Real name: Brian Hugh Warner.
Born: 5th January 1969.
Place of Birth: Canton, Ohio, USA, Timkin Mercy Hospital.
Parents: Barb Wayne and Hugh Warner.
Current resident: Los Angeles, Californa, USA.
Former resident: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, New Orleans, LA.
Hair: Normally brown, but dyed black.
Eyes: Green with perfect vision!
Height: 1,85 cm (6 feet 1 inch) With boots: 1,93 cm (6 feet 4 inches).
Weight: 61 kg (135 lbs).
Schools: Heritage Christian School (grades: 1-10). Glen Oak Puplic School (grades: 10-12).
Teachers: Mrs. Price, Carolyn Cole.
Education: Studied journalism and theater on Broward Community College.
Former jobs: Self-employed Christian school drug dealer, Record stealer, Record Store night manager and music journalist.
Former girlfriends: Rose McGowan from "Scream" (she gets killed in the garage), and Missi.
Children: None. Missi had an abortion due to the flu.
Pets: He and Missi had a mixture of a Dalmatian and a Boxer named Lidia/Walter. He also had snakes. As a kid he had a dog named Aleusha and a cat named O.J (he found it on the stairs on his old school).
Childhood phobias: Sleeping with the TV turned off.
Instruments: Sing, guitar, pan flute.
Musically influences: Kiss, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Adam Ant, Ronnie James Dio, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue and AC/DC.
Music he hears now: Radiohead, Jane's Addiction, Econoline Crush, Pulp, and Smashing Pumpkins.
Hobbies: Write poems and stories, read, draw, paint, collect Star Wars- and Spawn action-figures.
Favorite color: Red and black. He likes green furniture.
Likes: Chocolate, drugs, big tits, fame, animals and performance.
Dislikes: Stupidity, ignorance, religion, fascism, coffee, idiots spreading and believing rumors on the internet, hash and cigarette smoke.
Manson is right-handed; he suffers from the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) syndrome, he has 8 tattoos, his nickname is Arch Deluxe.

Twiggy Ramirez
He has got long black dreadlocks. He is named after "The Swinging 60's Model" Twiggy and the killer Richard Ramirez, also known as "The Night Stalker".
He is usually dressed like a woman. Very exciting! He puts on his lipstick with the back of his hand.
Twiggy has been in the band since 1994. He took over former bassist Gidget Gein. Twiggy and Manson met back in the early 90s in a record store where Twiggy was working and he was trying to sell cheap records and tapes to Manson.

Important about Twiggy Ramirez:
Born: 20th June 1971.
Real name: Jeordie Francis White.
Hair color: Normal brown.
Eyes: Brown.
Favorite movie: Star Wars.
Favorite stuff: The Bee Gees, The Cat In The Hat, lunchboxes, lollipops, Scoopy Doo, Star Wars toys, Whisky and Speed, peanut butter and jam sandwiches, cold isolated bedrooms, socks, video games etc.
Family: Mother Dana and stepfather Fran. His 3 half brothers: Weis, Dustin and Anden.
Musically influences: Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P, Thisted Sigter, Motley Crue

Most of the rumors about Twiggy were actually started by himself!
He hates when people claim to have full control over their lives.
He prefers to die from a drug overdose, NO PAIN!!!
He had his first erection when he tried his mothers panties.
He was thrown out of 4th grade after stripping in the classroom to prove to the other kids that he was a boy even though he had long hair.
He used to collect human bones he picked from graves in New Orleans. He used to smoke them too!!!
His goal is to break down the barrier between males and females.
He loves his socks!!! He also likes his toes, Even though people think they are scary.
Twiggy graduated in 1989.

Named after the singer Madonna and child-killer John Wayne Gacy. Hans nickname is Pogo.
His real name is Stephen Gregory Bier Jr.
Pogo is known for the most ridiculous "goatee" in the history of rock.
He spends most of his time onstage fighting his own equipment. Pogo is the oldest member of the band. He is 37 years old. He was born the 6th March 1965.
He has been in the band since the beginning, even though he bought his 1st keyboard a few years later, so the first years he spent playing with dolls and other toys onstage during concerts. Pogo also suffers from hyperactivity. He refuses to take his medication, cause it ruins the fun part of it.