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I've written a poem

Pain is pleasure.
There ain't a fucking thing you can do
'Cause I'm gonna get you...

You keep on playing so tough
But inside you're so fucking not
You think you can't get enough
Until I lay the first real cut

Get down on your knees
I put a gun to your head
But only to fucking tease
Your screams keep me fed

There ain't a fucking thing you can do
'Cause I'm high on your pain...

I am all of your fucking fears
You think I am a bluffer?
I'm ripping off both your ears
Just to see you suffer!

I hear the fear in your voice
Stabbing my knife in your arm
"I didn't have a fucking choice"
Your dripping blood is warm

There ain't a fucking thing you can do
'Cause I love your screams...

There is nothing you can do
Your body is a fucking wreck
I can't get my hands off you
They're stuck around your neck

You're beginning to cough
I let go of your filthy skin
Do you still think you're tough?
Stabbing the knife further in

There ain't a fucking thing you can do
'Cause I'm gonna put an end to this...

I turn the knife around
Hear your fucking scream
Interrupting of this is not allowed
Your tears is a running stream

I put a bullet in your brain
Alive is all you're fucking not
Your blood falls like rain
I leave you here just to rot

There ain't a fucking thing you can do
'Cause you're all dead...
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